Anyone getting reports of Malware on their android games?
I got a report from someone who said two of my older games came up as malware. I haven't updated them in ages so nothing changed recently on my end. I was wondering if perhaps there are false positives or if there is a trend because I dont' think anyone wants to see their games associated with viruses.
The guy was using AVG for Android. I haven't tested it on my phone yet to confirm, but will soon.
The guy was using AVG for Android. I haven't tested it on my phone yet to confirm, but will soon.
Best Answer
KevinCross London, UKPosts: 1,894
There was discussions about this a little while ago, and I think it was something to do with analytic data being sent back to GameSalad being flagged as suspicious.
even better will be when the ability to opt out will be introduced.
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I've recently had to refuse 2 Amazon FAOD promotions because of this (I had terrible reviews when Amazon featured me last time due to this issue and won't risk a FAOD promotion again). Other GS users have had bad experiences due to this too.
Gamesalad really need to sort this out, I'm amazed they haven't already to be honest!
I just had this issue today. Any fixes?
@ronnyrader @DigiChain try the 0.11.1 RC and if you are still having an issue let us know.