Having actors appear when other actors cross ones paths, modulating tones played and one other thing


I have been trying to run through as many of the tuts as I can the last few days and have yet to come across how to do the following (probably because I haven't delved deep enough).

I want to make a part to my game where if a person touch draws a line between two specific actors a third actor is created between them, but also I would like it that should two of those third actors cross each other, a fourth actor will appear at the intersection between them.

The intent here is to make it so a mobile character can use the lines as walking paths, but also be able to change which path it is walking on when it hits one of those fourth actors.

The other one is that I would like to make it so that when one of those pathways are destroyed, depending on its length the tone of the breaking sound is modulated (deeper for longer paths, higher for shorter) without uploading a different sound file for every single length of path.

also and while im at it about modulating sound files, how can you gradually modulate the hue of the screen or the background should it be needed (for instance to change from day to night)?

In the coming days I'm either going to either lay out my entire project or a list of everything which I am going to need to be able to do to make the game work.

To this effect I would like to ask where may I layout a project/list everything I need to do in this forum so that it can be seen.

Its not a very long list, only four touch actions, as well as the moving mechanics of the character and the interaction between npcs, but their is probably lots of stuff, even after rebuilding this game three times before now, which I will missed.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and have a great day,

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