4 years and 7000 posts later...
This is my 7000th post, and I've been a member here for 4 years (even though my profile only says 3!). In that time I've released 14 games (#15 is due out next month)
Join me for a trip down memory lane
My first game was Z is for Zombie. I made it in 6 weeks or so after picking up Gamesalad for the first time. I started working on this back when pro was $2000 and the free version cost $500.

Soon after that I released V is for Vortex:

After that was my version of Doodle jump, F is for Falling:

I made Zombie Heads (previously known as Freakin Zombie Heads):

I made Obliteration for the launch of the iPad

Sometime between Obliteration and A Long Way Home I redid a hypnosis app I had made using Phonegap back in late 2008. It was called Hypnophone (Hypnosis HD on the iPad) and it still sells well today.
Next came A Long Way Home. I spent like 18 mths working on this game. It got great reviews but never really took off in sales. I still have ideas for the sequel kicking about in my head, but haven't had the time to go back to it.

Owls came next. During the development of A Long Way Home my daughter was born so I wanted to make something that she would enjoy when she got older (a year later she loves it!)

Monster Matcher came last fall, and if you saw my other thread for Monster Matcher 2.0, it just underwent a major redesign

Another kids app, Trace Your Name came next:

I made a reskin of Monster Matcher called Halloween Matcher. This did not do too well
Now we reach 2013. This has so far been the busiest year for me with apps. I released 3 so far and have 2 more I hope to finish by Christmas.
Hypnosis II, the sequel to Hypnosis (no video)

1 to 100 - a counting game for children. I just realized I never made a gameplay video for this. gotta fix that soon
Must Keep Countingm, an adictive counting game

and finally, CAT-ACLYSM, which was born out of the work for the Unicorn Apocalypse. A spiritual successor to Obliteration it was a fun game to make.

So what's next?
S is for Santa- My perpetual sequel to Z is for Zombie. I've had this artwork drawn and scanned for the past 3 years. I even have a prototype with the first 3 of 4 levels complete!
A Long Way Home II - this is nothing more than notes in a book
Adventure Game - I have a top down adventure game all fleshed out with a design document, map, and process tree drawn out. Just need the time.
Obliteration II - sequel to Obliteration with hand drawn graphics and everything. This one will be fun to make.
A is for Alphabet. similar to my game 1 to 100 it's to help kids learn to count.
Finally, complete my horror game Slender. This has been on hold since the Unicorn Apocalypse while I work on other projects

Join me for a trip down memory lane

My first game was Z is for Zombie. I made it in 6 weeks or so after picking up Gamesalad for the first time. I started working on this back when pro was $2000 and the free version cost $500.

Soon after that I released V is for Vortex:

After that was my version of Doodle jump, F is for Falling:

I made Zombie Heads (previously known as Freakin Zombie Heads):

I made Obliteration for the launch of the iPad

Sometime between Obliteration and A Long Way Home I redid a hypnosis app I had made using Phonegap back in late 2008. It was called Hypnophone (Hypnosis HD on the iPad) and it still sells well today.
Next came A Long Way Home. I spent like 18 mths working on this game. It got great reviews but never really took off in sales. I still have ideas for the sequel kicking about in my head, but haven't had the time to go back to it.

Owls came next. During the development of A Long Way Home my daughter was born so I wanted to make something that she would enjoy when she got older (a year later she loves it!)

Monster Matcher came last fall, and if you saw my other thread for Monster Matcher 2.0, it just underwent a major redesign

Another kids app, Trace Your Name came next:

I made a reskin of Monster Matcher called Halloween Matcher. This did not do too well

Now we reach 2013. This has so far been the busiest year for me with apps. I released 3 so far and have 2 more I hope to finish by Christmas.
Hypnosis II, the sequel to Hypnosis (no video)

1 to 100 - a counting game for children. I just realized I never made a gameplay video for this. gotta fix that soon

Must Keep Countingm, an adictive counting game

and finally, CAT-ACLYSM, which was born out of the work for the Unicorn Apocalypse. A spiritual successor to Obliteration it was a fun game to make.

So what's next?
S is for Santa- My perpetual sequel to Z is for Zombie. I've had this artwork drawn and scanned for the past 3 years. I even have a prototype with the first 3 of 4 levels complete!
A Long Way Home II - this is nothing more than notes in a book
Adventure Game - I have a top down adventure game all fleshed out with a design document, map, and process tree drawn out. Just need the time.
Obliteration II - sequel to Obliteration with hand drawn graphics and everything. This one will be fun to make.
A is for Alphabet. similar to my game 1 to 100 it's to help kids learn to count.
Finally, complete my horror game Slender. This has been on hold since the Unicorn Apocalypse while I work on other projects

4 years, 7,000 posts and 15 apps? Truly excellent stuff, Jon; impressive stats. :-) (Nice portfolio, too.) Congrats and rock and roll on!
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- Thomas
And Happy 7,000th!
I remember your first two games well - I remember thinking 'I wish I'd made those!' - which doesn't happen often
Obliteration has to be one of my fave apps of yours. I just remember finding it crazy addictive and fun!
Even when I've not been interested per se in a game (like your kids titles for example) you've always shown great taste and integrity in making something really polished.
You have stuck in there for four years. You have consistently made solid games, and never given up as others arrive and leave after their first attempt.
In short, you *care* about your games. It's a quality in scant quantity these days…
You have a woolly fan here for sure! Here's to your future titles! (Obliteration II next please!
QS =
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
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I hope to be able to do a similar post one day
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Lump Apps and My Assets
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I should have went MBP instead of Mac Mini.
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Absolutely adored playing 'A Long Way Home' and was really chuffed for you when you got that cool review on Touch Arcade. One of the most atmospheric lonely (yet fun) games out there.
Happy 7000th post (though your now on 7017).
I wish I'd released more by now as I'm envious of your catalogue of polished game titles.
I haven't finished anything myself for so long now, having attempted one too many Big games... made lots of templates though and lots of big intentions...
See you on here in a few years for your 14000th post.... perhaps by then we'll both be doing it full time.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
did you made money?
Congrats @jonmulcahy
Haha this is 2 years and 2500 posts old
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I saw that. lol Still cool though! Haven't tried A Long Way Home because I don't have an Apple device but it looks really cool. To 6 years and 9,953 posts
Haha. I see this now also. He has nearly 10,000 posts now. Still new to me and a great post...he sure does talk alot !
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You know how the saying goes, talkers talk and doers do!
(j/k in this case though and it's a great post
Zombie thread, back from the dead!!!
BTW, @jonmulcahy , your batting average is down - your posts per day average fell from 4.8 to 4.5 (7000/4/365 vs 9953/6/365).

My Blog / App Store / Google Play
Yea things have slowed down. I'm working on finishing my latest GS game, leaning swift, finishing a 1300 sqft basement and planning a mud room. Not too much space left in my brain
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I love the origins story! Cool portfolio. Here's for 4 more years!