Inventory Template, free for anyone to use and improve upon
So after a ton of tinkering, I managed to get this inventory to function the way I want it to for my game/app.
When you add an item one of the 8 slots I have set up will show that item. You can see your inventory by clicking the inventory/pause game button I have put into place. These items will load into the inventory in the order you collected them, putting the most recent items first (I wanted this, and it works because of the table I used to keep up with this stuff, I'm sure a clever use of the table row count function could let you instead have the newest items at the "end" of your inventory if you desired that). Clicking an item in the inventory discards it from your inventory and all of the items behind it move up so that there is never any empty spaces between items, this part caused much frustration and I just got it to work so figured I'd share with the community.
I'm still very new, I'm almost positive I am tackling a much larger idea than I really should for my first app but I don't have a time limit and am doing this as a hobby so I'm fine with it taking a long time to get done. I couldn't find any free templates for inventories in my search before I just made it myself so figured maybe other people out there could use this for their apps. Feel free to build on this, I'm sure there are better ways to do what I did and maybe those more experienced members out there can put in their two cents on this as well, all criticism and advice is encouraged,
Enjoy Project 2.rar
(I just got dropbox today, if the link doesn't work please let me know and I will get it fixed, never used it until a few hours ago)
When you add an item one of the 8 slots I have set up will show that item. You can see your inventory by clicking the inventory/pause game button I have put into place. These items will load into the inventory in the order you collected them, putting the most recent items first (I wanted this, and it works because of the table I used to keep up with this stuff, I'm sure a clever use of the table row count function could let you instead have the newest items at the "end" of your inventory if you desired that). Clicking an item in the inventory discards it from your inventory and all of the items behind it move up so that there is never any empty spaces between items, this part caused much frustration and I just got it to work so figured I'd share with the community.
I'm still very new, I'm almost positive I am tackling a much larger idea than I really should for my first app but I don't have a time limit and am doing this as a hobby so I'm fine with it taking a long time to get done. I couldn't find any free templates for inventories in my search before I just made it myself so figured maybe other people out there could use this for their apps. Feel free to build on this, I'm sure there are better ways to do what I did and maybe those more experienced members out there can put in their two cents on this as well, all criticism and advice is encouraged, Project 2.rar
(I just got dropbox today, if the link doesn't work please let me know and I will get it fixed, never used it until a few hours ago)