iPhone5>iPhone4 screen adjustment issue- Camera Origin not changing
Member Posts: 154
Hello all.
Im using the "screen size adjustment" Rule:
>If Screen.Size.Height is 480
>Change Attribute: Camera.Origin.Y to -37
This works great on ALL the scenes except for one scene...??? The scene is actually a copy of another scene that works perfectly. The actual Attribute ( Camera.Origin.Y) IS changing to -37, but for whatever reason, the CAMERA itself is not changing the way the scene is displayed.
I have deleted rule and recreated it from scratch, but it just wont work. Any ideas on what the problem may be, or what I can try to fix this so that it is displayed properly on iphone4's 320x480 screen?
Im using the "screen size adjustment" Rule:
>If Screen.Size.Height is 480
>Change Attribute: Camera.Origin.Y to -37
This works great on ALL the scenes except for one scene...??? The scene is actually a copy of another scene that works perfectly. The actual Attribute ( Camera.Origin.Y) IS changing to -37, but for whatever reason, the CAMERA itself is not changing the way the scene is displayed.
I have deleted rule and recreated it from scratch, but it just wont work. Any ideas on what the problem may be, or what I can try to fix this so that it is displayed properly on iphone4's 320x480 screen?
The Layer needed to be "Scrollable" for this to work properly.