Pro Features For A Non Pro Member?
Hi, some weird things have been happening with the latest update of GameSalad, Before the latest update I had all the basic features, but since I updated it, I have got most pro features, such as in app purchases, or Game Center leader boards, but I have no idea how I got these features! Does anyone get these features for free after the update? Or was this a mistake, I have weirdly got pro features before on the forum, like I got the ability to add a "quote" on my comments or anything else on the forum that I post, but now I can't
I have never bought a pro membership before! Could someone please explain this to me, Thanks.

And don't bump your posts 20 minutes after your first one.... You do realize it's between 2AM and 5AM for most of the users of the board right? Have patience.
Shhhhhh! Why are you declaring this to the world?!!!
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so i can use it for amazon
Let's think on this here for just a second. How exactly do plan to publish for amazon without pro? So wouldn't it be a given that those features require pro for even amazon?