How to make an image look better?
I get images by typing it in to the search bar and putting what I want but whenever I enlarge the images and put them in my game ifind it looks raggedy and doesent look good how do you fix that to make it look better? If you understand what I mean
2. the only way to resize and retain quality is to shrink an image. enlarging an image will always make the image worse.
but most importantly, what your talking about is the same as stealing images from people, don't do it.
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Also, since it's just a placeholder, don't worry about your images degrading in quality -- as Jon said it's near impossible to retain perfect quality if you enlarge an image. Just make sure to make your finalised images the exact size you want them to be in (make sure to observe proper image settings, and double the size for Retina quality).
If someone else drew a picture, took a photo, painted or created an image, on the computer or otherwise, wrote a song or soundtrack, etc, etc, etc., the person who created it owns the copyright.
So the majority of stuff found on the internet you have no right to use unless it's stated as copyright-free. And more than that, if you use something that's subject to copyright and you're found to be using the image/sound illegally you could be taken to court, or your app banned, or put on hold till it's removed, etc, etc.
So never assume that just because something is on the internet that it's there for the taking, for you to use in a game you want to publish and sell. Always make sure that any assets you use in your games you have a copyright contract, or it's copyright free to use in commercial projects, etc.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain