Need help Designing HUD for Platformer.

After switching up my art style for Shade, I decided I needed to design a HUD for the health/XP bars and realised I'm still !@#$% at creating original pixel artwork. I have a terrible attempt here at doing a health HUD block here @ -
Any ideas for the health and XP 'display' for the HUD that matches the art style? Feel free to comment on the overall look of the game aswell.
Thanks, FM


  • FrazzleFrazzle Member Posts: 223
  • natzuurnatzuur Member Posts: 304
    I actually kind of like it. You could put a red-ish box behind it and make it shrink/grow to fill it up/lose life. Maybe play with some variations on it.
  • FrazzleFrazzle Member Posts: 223
    Just created a new HP/XP HUD, sorry about not responding, though your input is appreciated. Any feedback on this?
  • mataruamatarua Auckland, New ZealandMember Posts: 854
    Here's a look - firstly the two bars are too close together making them hard to read and distinguish the writing. Crammed inside a block is not suiting the open minimal style.


    So to combat that I ditched the box and changed the HP for a heart - picture is better here in this combination. I put them side by side as that fits the design better with the widescreen perspective. I removed the box and gave them sufficient spacing. I made the XP much more subtle as that is not super important.

    You will notice colours that a next to each other on dark backgrounds will appear smaller and bigger depending on their colour - I addressed that that by having the bars on same horizontal plane.

    How does this look?

    Cheers, M@
  • FrazzleFrazzle Member Posts: 223
    Just re-updated it with that HUD system, haha. - Thanks for the help once again, mat.
  • mataruamatarua Auckland, New ZealandMember Posts: 854
    Just saw this - all good :D
  • FallingBoxStudiosFallingBoxStudios Freelance Graphic Designer Member Posts: 822
    I really like it :) Love the simplicity :D
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