How do I get iOS touch input?
Sorry, I'm brand-new to GameSalad and I have a question.
1. How do I get touch input in my game as well as keyboard?
1. How do I get touch input in my game as well as keyboard?
Your first 2 questions are extremely basic and are the bread and butter of most if not all apps.
Read through the Gamesalad Cookbook first to get you started.
Couple of hints to get you started:
- Programming in Gamesalad makes use of Rules, Behaviours, Actions, etc.
One example of a Rule is, "Actor receives event > touch > is pressed."
Another would be, "Actor receives event > key > 'any key from the keyboard' > is down."
Gamesalad is really flexible and if you don't want the base keyboard, you can even make your own -- all by using Rules.
If you're a complete beginner, I would also advise you to start small and leave "side-scrolling" type of games for another day.
Good luck! It's not that hard!
edit: You might want to change your username as well. Using spaces means people won't be able to quote you using the "@" operator, so you might miss out on some important stuff directed at you.
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