Looking for templates and two initial questions

Have been struggling to get up to speed with the tool for a few days now. Finally had time to watch the recommended tutorial video, and it starts off by showing the templates that come with the game. Um... the version I downloaded for windows has no templates (that I can find). Searching the forums I haven't been able to find the templates available anywhere for DL - but a number of links to other folks templates. Are the free ones somewhere and I just can't find them?

I am looking to GS because my current tool gives me the ability to create desktop games (PC/Mac/Linux), but I think I'm not doing as well as I could if I could get into the mobile space, or get into the Win 8 store. It looks like GS will let me do that, assuming I can figure out how to even get one of my simpler games into the tool.

Speaking of which, here are the things I'm trying to figure out that I hoped a template could guide me with:

1) First game I want to port (simplest) is a visual novel/choose your own adventure. In my current tool I have a splash screen, you can touch or click anywhere on that to get to the main menu which lets you start a new game, load an old one to continue, set sound volume, or quit. I figured out how to load the splash screen as a background, but then can't find an appropriate rule. And I'm confused (at best) on how I am going to save the users variables to allow them to resume a game.

2) Related, how do I go from one screen to another.


  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375
    1. To save a variable drag in a rule and inside that rule drag a Save Attribute behavior. Specify what attribute you want to save and under what conditions (Ex. When touch is pressed, save attribute) or just drag it in without a rule so it will automatically fire. When the game is loading again have the Load Attribute fire and it will load their progress that you saved before.

    2. You can go from one screen to another by using a Change Scene behavior. (Ex. When Key "A" is pressed, change scene to Menu)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    We have over 50 free templates (click my sig) over at DBA.

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