Possible to purchase just one month of Pro?
I'd like to spend some time working with the Pro features to see if this is the tool I want to invest myself in. But $299 is kind of steep when I'm not yet sure. Is there any way to buy just one or two months of Pro? When I click the "Upgrade to Pro" button it seems to only show the one year option?
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As of right now through the end of November GameSalad and Amazon are offering a free month of PRO for every game you submit to the Amazon Store. You could publish a game, then get your pro to see how you like it.
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Also, since you are new, want to give you some GS community tips so we the community don't get annoyed with you. Please don't be blasting the forums begging for help. Please make sure you go through the CookBooks and do some research of your own. We definitely don't mind helping our community grow and learn but you have to do some of the work yourself. Also, please don't start asking for free things such as art or someone to make a template for you or to just build your game for you as many on here do. It will just annoy everyone one and you won't get anythings from it. There are some other things but you will learn as you go! Just want to give you a heads up on that as well! Good luck with everything and welcome to the GS Community!
299 is a steal
With the amazon promotion going on they are literally giving it away!!
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That should be in bold right there! Publish a lot of basic apps to the amazon store and then decide if pro is for you Even if it isn't, you can still use your pro time to make a quality title.
So basically, you have nothing to loose