Not overlap or collide rule?

I have actors on the stage where I am testing for overlap and collide with actors of matching tags.

How can I also check to make sure that the actor being dragged is NOT overlapping or colliding with other types of actors when released? I want use this to make sure that the actor being dragged is only over one other actor and not a bunch of actors. The "overlaps or collides" rule does not seem to have a "not" option.

The only way I can think of is when it is released first test for the other tags of actors and if positive do nothing then in the otherwise test for the one correct tag. I have 18 tags to check against though so that seems horribly inefficient and a pain to maintain.




  • richcoyrichcoy Member Posts: 211
    What I've done, and it works, is to first test for the collision I want then if it is present check to make sure that all the collisions I don't want aren't there. This way all 17 of the bad collisions are tested for only if there is a good collision. This should be fine since ethere will ever only be one item being dragged at a time in my math game.
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