I need help with game clock
i have a game clock for chess. i made everything right i think and it works on the first tap and then if you touch it, it dosent do anything. if you dont know what a chess clock or game clock is, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_clock
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Click on any of the clocks to start the game, and to start that clock counting down. Click on the clock again to pause the countdown and to switch players.
You can change the duration by changing the value in the game.noOfSeconds attribute. 300 is 5 minutes.
If you use any of it you will need to amend the display so that leading zeros are showing when the seconds are less than 10, and you will need to add in the relevant code for when the timer runs out.
If you want the clock to count up then start the noOfSeconds at 0 and increment it by one every second instead of deducting one.