How to do a energy bar with system clock timer.
Member Posts: 26
I'm trying to do a simple energy bar. 5 energy maximum which is used for starting games. Whenever one is used, a countdown is started for 30 minutes till it fills up 1 energy. If 2nd energy is used, another clock of 30 minutes will need to start after the current one is completed, and so on. Countdown should also continue when app is not running. Any ideas?
i think you can do like this
make attribute for the clock (integer=30)
and make timer that say "every 1 sec change attribute clock by -1"
all that will work when the app is running...
so you need to save to timer every time the player died AND save the iphone real clock(mins & hours)
and load them to another attributes when the game starts
then create one more attribute (lets call it "sum")
and then do this commands Change Attribute: "sum" to "real clock (min & hours) - real saved clock" then make rule to check if "sum" >= 30 if yes change attribute "Energy" by +1
i hope you will understand what i said here if not i hope you get the concept
(i'm sorry for my english)[=
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