Drag for power

DookiDooki Member Posts: 247
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all,

I have cannon and I want to be able to drag for power. The longer I drag out the more umph! Also, the cannon tracks the mouse cursor for targeting and when I let go the cannon fires.

I saw the pool table game from codemonkey but it's a little different in that the cue ball moves after shot where my cannon is static. I am trying to reverse engineer that pool to figure out how it works. Anyone have a simple solution for dragging for power?

- cannon tracks mouse
- drag to increase power
- let go mouse to fire.

Thanks folks!



  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    I'm working on something that uses exactly this and it works perfectly. I have an art exam in an hour but if you still need help when i get home I can post what I did.
  • DookiDooki Member Posts: 247
    @tshirtbooth: YES!
    @RH: Good luck with your exam, and yes, that would be great!
  • DookiDooki Member Posts: 247
    BTW, I like how you can choose different types of bullets to use. I figured out how to set up buttons that would spawn actors in different set formations.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    I would like to utilize this cannon too! Exactly the same, except I want my canon to rotate 360 degrees because my game is top-down birds eye view.
  • DookiDooki Member Posts: 247
    Grazie Mille! Mahalo! Domo! Thank you!
  • StanStan Member Posts: 138
    Hi tshirtbooth, I sent you an email.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I also have a bow and arrow demo on my profile that uses magnitude. the farther you pull back the farther the projectile flies. And the angle you pull back at determines the trajectory. (Think angry birds)
  • DookiDooki Member Posts: 247
    @tshirtbooth, I sent you an email last night as well. Thanks!
  • bradenpowellbradenpowell Member Posts: 16
    @tshirtbooth, I would like to have the same file if possible.

  • lildragnlildragn Member Posts: 105
  • lildragnlildragn Member Posts: 105
    Hiya tshirtbooth, is this file still available? The youtube vid no longer works so I can see what's being done.

    I do however would like to bring this topic back to the forefront as I'm currently concepting a game based off the gameplay seen in "Hit the Apple"


    I'm just getting started but getting this mechanic working while understanding the GS implementation is my first task :)

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