Sticky table

Hi all

Now here's a sticky one.

I have a point and click project. Two items at the moment, 'Teddy' and 'Ball' and three scenes.
In the first scene (where the player must land) Teddy and ball are right where I put them.
The other two scenes teddy and ball are out view until the game is previewed.

They receive this rule. attribute = tableCellValue( game.Tplacement , self.myIndex ,1)
Change Table value row: myindex column 1 self position.x column 2 self position.y

Anyway the table is doing it's job. If you land on scene 1 and don't pick up ball or teddy. Ball and teddy
will appear in scene 2 and 3 where I put them in scene 1. Can't hide them. (illustrates the power of tables).

Any ideas? (hopeful grin)
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