Question regarding character collision shape.

Hey everyone, I have been making some good progress on a platformer that I am working on. I have run into a problem that hopefully I can get some help on. The game is fast paced, and built around the difficulty of required quick jumps on small platforms and dodging enemies. The problem I have ran into is the rectangular collision shape that GS gives the character provides to much time for the player to jump on small blocks. My characters artwork, has a larger head making the overall width of the image much wider than the characters legs. This makes it so that the edges of the rectangle will catch platforms or block, while my character doesn't actually appear to be over them, allow a little more time than wanted to react to jumps. When I change the collision area to a circle, it detects a circle in the middle of the player rather than a oval that fits within the whole rectangle. This cause my character to drop below the ground surface until the collision detection with the circle is reached. Though the circle one gives the more desired response time when it comes to detecting the ground, It would be awesome if GS would do an oval shape fitting the entire rectangle or if it could detect collisions with the actual visible graphic of your character. Anyone run into this problem or have an idea for a solution?


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited October 2013
    I always make a mask smaller than the main hero actor and have the collision shape a circle and have all collisions in the mask while constraining the actor with the animation in to the mask actor.

    You will also find even if you put 2 platform actors at the same Y next to each other the rectangle hero will still snag from time to time so best to use a circle mask imo.

  • Thanks,
    I was thinking something like that, tried it and it works great! Would you have enemy collision in the animated actor?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I always have it in the mask but see what works best for you.

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