spawning traffic
Hi. I'm making a racing game where there will be traffic coming in and out. I've looked, but I couldn't seem to find a tutorial to help me fix this. I want the traffic to come in and stop at a certain point, then continue driving again.
Is there any way to do this? Thanks.
Is there any way to do this? Thanks.
Best Answer
Bellow Bartender Posts: 227
try this :
give this cars move or make waypoint for move and put another actor where you want to stop. and create a rule with your car actor, when collide that that stop actor put timer change movebla or valicity or move or speed i dont know which do you want to use to 0 for 3 sec or how much time you want. put else change valicity or whatever same number
I gave up, but still have the files if you think you might be able to salvage something from it.
It became obvious that it would only get worse when I start adding actors to the sides and back of each car too.
Each car has three collision detecting actors attached to them (with an alpha of 0.2 for testing purposes). It uses a table to keep track of every single traffic car position which is how the three actors are constrained to each car. The table is also used to send a signal back to the correct car when the collision detecting actor collides with another car. It kind of works when the traffic cars are moving slowly but it often misfires.
To accelerate the white car press and swipe upwards, and swipe down to decelerate.
Like I said I gave up on it, so feel free to take whatever you find useful from it, if anything. I don't know how differently I'd do it if I were to ever try again.