How To Spawn A Actor
I am having no luck with this. I am trying to spawn a actor.
I am using windows version
I have 2 actors one called black box and the other called spawnpoint
I made a integer in the actor spawnpoint and made it 1
then put in a timer 0.1
Change attribuite - spawnpoint timing to random (1,10)
Rule attribute - selftiming is 1
Spawn a actor - back of actor
timer 0.1 put inside of rule
this is not working in the windows version, I also watched some other videos on how to spawn a actor nothing works.
Thanks Darlene
I am using windows version
I have 2 actors one called black box and the other called spawnpoint
I made a integer in the actor spawnpoint and made it 1
then put in a timer 0.1
Change attribuite - spawnpoint timing to random (1,10)
Rule attribute - selftiming is 1
Spawn a actor - back of actor
timer 0.1 put inside of rule
this is not working in the windows version, I also watched some other videos on how to spawn a actor nothing works.
Thanks Darlene
For example what does "Rule attribute - selftiming is 1" mean ?
And these two statements - when put together - don't see to make sense either . . . "then put in a timer 0.1" . . . and . . . "Change attribuite - spawnpoint timing to random (1,10)" ?
A screenshot of your rules might be useful.
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(GameSalad: How to create a random spawning time )
I have two actors a black box and a red box. I want the black box to spawn the red box at certain times.
Thanks Darlene
Sorry I am just getting started with gamesalad.
Thank You Darlene
use your spawn actor with this rule
timer random(1,10)
spawn actor black box (position)
it will simple spawn your actor.
In the file there is a grey square that controls the spawning of the black squares. A Timer in the grey square fires every 1 second, spawning a new copy of the black square at a random point on screen.
Hope maybe it helps a little. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Thanks for all the help!