Adhoc - Save and Load does not work + Intro Music does not Play

BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239
Hey guys you might be able to help me out here.
So my game is finished. It is right now in "Apple Hands" to signed off on.
I hope they do reject it.

I just tested my app to late on Adhoc and experienced a bug behaviour I did not have on the GS Viewer.

-The app is on my Iphone5c
-I start it, the custom loading screen shows
-The scene changes to my own Loading Scene (ala Tshirtbooth )
Content: Load a bunch of Keys (highscore, unlocked parts..), Start music, Timer after 1 second change to next scene
-On top the Gamesalad network bar appears
-App progress as expected all other components seem to be fine.
-In the custom loading screen
-The music does not start
-The variables seem to not be loaded (highscore is back to 0)

What I already tried.
I went through all "save attribute" and "load attribute" behaviours of the game and typed in the key instead using the "e" expression editor. I saved,published, generated app, signed app ->deleted old shaman file on device and dragged in the new one. Still same bug. Most weirdly the music does not even start and it has no condition at all. Music in further scenes work as expected.
Any Idea?


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