what is you eCPM in iAd??


I have some apps in App Store (Xcode), and I have a question about GameSalad, what is your eCPM in games??? My apps are normal apps (utilities/joker), I have about 0.20$ - 1.23$ is very low!!! I have 8.000 impressions to month and TTR of 0.15%.

What is your actual eCPM? Thanks in advance!!!!!


  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    My app is fairly new in the app store, about 8 days it has been in there but as of now, my eCPM is $1.24, Impressions is 16,348, and TTR is 0.86%.
  • aitorv21aitorv21 Member Posts: 71
    @KillerPenguinStudios its good!! but why eCPM is so low?? In "theory" Apple say between 2$ - 6$. Admob report to me eCPM of 7$ but I have 250 downloads/day and in iOS 50/day. Downloads influence in eCPM (Or TTR?)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Download influence everything with iAds you need a few thousand downloads a day to make a decent fill rate. And the higher your fill rate the better apple values the ads in your game.
  • aitorv21aitorv21 Member Posts: 71
    Oh I understand! thank you so much @tenrdrmer !! Can you say you eCPM and TTR?
    By the way, TTR is the classic CTR not?
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