Load Actor into scene

Simple question,

Well not simple. Lets begin with the stick.

You find the stick and the rules are: stick
interpolates to inventory. (gameX gameY).
saved in table cell value.

stick overlaps 'inventory slot' and 'item tray'.
saved in table.

'inventory slot' shifts along 'item tray' 'move > '

Next 'item' follows 'inventory slot' and all
the items fall in line just like they've been told.

You load actors 'items' by putting them in every

Problem is once my actor is saved in table it's
constrained across scenes. (which is just what I've
told it to do). Boo hoo! I can't save them in a hidden
place across scenes. The teddy bear is saved in a weird
position in the next scene. O help, might need to
restart all my code. But I want 'Teddy or stick'
to be hidden off scene until they are selected and
overlap or collide inventory slot or item tray.
Of course 'teddy or stick or ball' need to be visible
on the landing scene. Not in subsequent scenes.
but constrained to the item tray.
Actually I've tried self attributes etc.

Already there are many rules on each actor:
'if not stick - teddy' 'if not ball - teddy' & so on.
That's for selection to open door works nicely.

If someone gets interested in this problem I'd be
more than amazed. Might need to dropbox the code
for that. XXXX (happy face here)


  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    Are you saying that when you have more items then visible inventory slots you want the extra items hidden but they're not hidden at the moment because of the constrain attributes? I.e. You've got 7 items in your bag but you only have 5 inventory slots on screen so you want items 6 and 7 hidden until you scroll left or right in the 5 slots in order to see items 6 and 7 or open a larger inventory window to see all items?
  • harrywatsonharrywatson Member Posts: 61
    Hi Kevin, it's the constraints I'm having trouble with. If I use a new constraint it will conflict with the others. I've got interpolated to slot when touch is pressed. Then
    in the next scene my item isn't 'off screen' where I dragged it but is in exactly the spot
    the table cell value is telling it to be. Zip File. >>
  • harrywatsonharrywatson Member Posts: 61
    Hi Problem solved.

    Sorry if it was not explained well enough. It was a difficult
    one. Now, however I've almost completed my own point-click-game code.

    I thought it might take a year.

    Last job is to store my door values in a table (true = open false = shut I guess) Then when that's true, the player is able to click through to the next scene.

    If anyone has any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.

    Meanwhile thanks to all those who had a look.

    Happy Day

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    I'm not sure what you're trying to do but the general way to keep track of something like a door boolean for each level is to have a row for each level and a column for the boolean. When a level is completed, change game.level to game.level+1 and use game.level as your row value in the tableCellValue and Change Table Value behaviors.

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  • harrywatsonharrywatson Member Posts: 61
    Aha! Great. Thanks @tatiang. I've pasted your comment to my desktop and I'll get working on it. (smiley face with electric sparks hair)
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