Paid or Free? It's a big question
I will jump right in and say, I prefer to design the whole game out before a scratch of code is even done. I know the limitations of GS and I also know a lot of things can be done by working around. That's all easy and dusted except when it comes to picking a price model.
I have read so much that free with inapps are the way to go.
However, I can't seem to find away to have more content or add in a currency so people have the option to buy and spend.
There is no way I would use ads for the reason that I am creating a game for the user, not for the quick bucks.
It's going to be a great quality game, and this is coming from reviews of random people around.
I may be old school and want to charge a set price for the app, however if a price is going to be set it might be as high as $2.99.
This is for one of many reasons, it makes the user feel better that they are getting what they pay for, I know myself if I splash down a few bucks I am going to be playing that game until I get my money worth.
I also opens the choice of price drops, promoting ect that a free game doesn't have.
However this would be fine if I could provide a free version, if I could then i would have used in apps.
I can't see anyway i can make the game a demo. There are no levels, its not an endless runner. It's a pick up and play game.
Therefore I have a few opinions to ask,
I know its quite hard since you haven't seen the game, but if I choose the paid method, would you object to paying for a game these days, and if you do pay for games, what are the key factors in making you pay for a $2.99 game. Things that I should really focus on.
Or are you thinking, throw the pay method out the window, invent a currency, add it in and add power ups or something to use the currency earned.
Or you have experince , that would be helpful to share.
Keep on developing
I will jump right in and say, I prefer to design the whole game out before a scratch of code is even done. I know the limitations of GS and I also know a lot of things can be done by working around. That's all easy and dusted except when it comes to picking a price model.
I have read so much that free with inapps are the way to go.
However, I can't seem to find away to have more content or add in a currency so people have the option to buy and spend.
There is no way I would use ads for the reason that I am creating a game for the user, not for the quick bucks.
It's going to be a great quality game, and this is coming from reviews of random people around.
I may be old school and want to charge a set price for the app, however if a price is going to be set it might be as high as $2.99.
This is for one of many reasons, it makes the user feel better that they are getting what they pay for, I know myself if I splash down a few bucks I am going to be playing that game until I get my money worth.
I also opens the choice of price drops, promoting ect that a free game doesn't have.
However this would be fine if I could provide a free version, if I could then i would have used in apps.
I can't see anyway i can make the game a demo. There are no levels, its not an endless runner. It's a pick up and play game.
Therefore I have a few opinions to ask,
I know its quite hard since you haven't seen the game, but if I choose the paid method, would you object to paying for a game these days, and if you do pay for games, what are the key factors in making you pay for a $2.99 game. Things that I should really focus on.
Or are you thinking, throw the pay method out the window, invent a currency, add it in and add power ups or something to use the currency earned.
Or you have experince , that would be helpful to share.
Keep on developing

That seems like my biggest concern, there is such a small percentage that will and even a smaller percentage that they will find it. I have posted on many sites to see if people are still interested in paying straight up.
It seems the method these days is to pay to be the best or have the best looking village.
But anyhow, thanks for your opinion and feedback. I am currently in works to find the best solution to get the people who don't buy to think about it. Cause if someone who doesn't buy games bought a game, chances are they are more likely going to tell someone.
I was reading up just the other day about things that are overlooked such as your situation with credit cards. The only way I seem to use this is to have a free for a day period and really promote it in Germany and hope that word of mouth comes to my side.
Great advice with reviews, it seems to play a large part in the decision of spending that money.
I have looked into this, but more is involved than the average developer thinks. It's amazing what google hides away in its later page numbers.
iAds was never considered, or any ads, personally I don't mind some ads in a game, while I have a few seconds to spare I like to see what other cool games are out there. But I know ads can ruin a good game, which I why I will most likely not include any forms of ads.
Free games do get more downloads, and I though maybe release a small free game and use that as a marketing product. Have ads in there about my better game. Depending on how time consuming this becomes of course.
Thanks heaps, and glad to year everything is working fine for you
Bottom line is it's all up to you. They are plenty of paid games that do well in the stores, even with the new free game trend. People still pay for games.
Secondly, I apologise for what will no doubt become a bit of a ranting mess!
I agree with you about ads. *Everyone* loves ads, right? *cough*
I am an old sheepy, so this trend towards 'free with IAP' is kinda new to me, and, to be frank, very alien.
There's no doubt that it's been very successful for some, but mainly for big companies that pour thousands of dollars into psychological research, graphics, gameplay, music, marketing etc etc.
I've mentioned in past posts that I've bought IAP before, but only from big companies I know e.g. Namco, Elite Spectrum collections etc
The unlocks have always been full games. And the free version of the package will come with a full free game as well.
Honestly, most free with IAP just seems like a con to me. Free is not free if you have to pay to continue playing. Or if you have to pay to unlock most of the game.
Selling 'power' is just as bad. It sends the message to anyone considering playing the game that if you're reasonably good, you will not be able to compete with another reasonably good player who has more money than you.
Why invest in that?
Then, apparently, there's games that allow you to pay to skip over the 'boring' parts of the game (e.g. waiting for flowers to grow).
That there are boring parts to skip is alarming. That the game has been designed to have these boring parts in it, with the sole purpose of enticing you to part with more money, is just shameful.
It all seems disingenuous to me, and I'll have no part of it.
Here's my deal:
1. I make a game.
2. It will be fun.
3. If you like the look of the game, and want to have fun, pay me for it.
4. That's it.
The irony is that I think my own games would be well suited to being free with IAP - I just don't believe in it!
To be honest, if the trend continues as it has of late, I am seriously thinking of replacing iOS with other formats for my primary source of expression. I have dreams of being on Steam perhaps, and have even had some interesting chats with Sony of late.
At least on PC/MAC and other formats the 'standard' doesn't seem to be this appalling rush to free and the buying of power/in-game currencies (exceptions occur of course).
It may make no difference of course. My games might just be rubbish. Or I might suck at marketing (I do!). Or my games might be a little too niche/unpolished for people. Or they might just not get discovered.
But I believe, strongly, that some free+IAP systems are currently exploitative and ethically bankrupt. I hope that in years to come we'll look back on this period and realise just how awful it was. I hope that a more ethically sound system will emerge that is fairer to the people that matter - the players.
As to your specific issue - well, I'd argue that if the game would not naturally support a free + IAP model, then paid is the logical way to go. Otherwise it'll appear as if you've shoehorned the free model into the game.
I think your idea of making another game free to promote the main one is sound, apart from the bit where you say "Have ads in there about my better game."
The 'better' part is what bugs me.
I think you have to play the long game. Make the game you're working on as good as you can. Build relationships with journalists - they're lovely people! (I used to be one so I have to say that!). Get your name known.
Then, maybe, make this game free when your next game comes out to promote it.
Hope for success, however you define it. Prepare for the worst. And go get 'em, tiger!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Glad to see such a helpful response,
As stated before, I make games to be paid, always have, however when you see a change, you either adapt or die, in a sense.
Although this is only a hobby, I would have not entered, invested time and money if I did not have a edge in it already. I have contacts with reporters, fans, influential people who could add that extra amount of marketting options.
I could spend all day presenting the cons and pros of each pay method, I would be a fool not to know them. But what I learnt recently was that I most likely know the theory, or have favoured a certain method, and unless I see what potentional customers/ players (if its free) actuall like or want all that sort of goes to waste.
You get what you paid for seems to have been lost in the crowd. Now everything has to be good and free. Although I think I must have been misunderstood when I said free with a better game.
What I was really trying to say is, do I make a good game, but a common game like endless runner or something and have it completely free, expect with an Ad or option to go get my paid ad.
This is like a boost in coverage so to speak, but as I said its only an option, and like everyone it has huge cons, like not building a good brand name, not living to the expectations or qualities given. Not proving enough content ect. So yes, I agree in which if done, and wanted to be done correctly, a great game is needed for both cases. Which in turn takes longer.
Timers indeed have changed the app of today. It's all about waiting or paying, which is why I want to avoid the waiting period and actuall produce a game worthy of the name. But when I take a step back from the initail, how can I get the most purchases, I noticed that there really isn't any reason to do this if its not a hobby, but a more of a robber (thief)
Anyhow, it is interesting to see the responses from people here, by emails and blogs, and those who PM me. Here's a brief summary.
Developers are most likely to release a paid game if they download paid games,
A large percentage of developers (and personal opinion but I think they are 15 or younger) release for paid, but do not buy any games that are paid.
Some developers release free cause they care more about the ranking of there apps rather than how they earn their money.
Customers, or just players, will download a free game because they are not willing to spend a dime on a game straight up.
A lot of players state that they only get free games and will never pay a thing,
A few admitted that they won't pay straight up for a game costing around $2.99 but spend around $50 to $100 on inapps of coins , diamonds ect.
So basically, my next thing to do, is to continue seeing suggestions, developers opinions, and find a way to work out the best method to fit most players needs. It's quite intersesting but very fustrating at times.
But I would point out, one big thing I get from developers, and I understand cause tech I am not a developer until I release a game, say it doesn't matter, unless your from a company. A real company not just a name, then your not going to go any good.
I hear this, but then I see there games, or there icons, or there attitude on forums and think I know why it didnt work out.
So that me, not basing my game on luck but rather quality, feedback and suggestions. You can't get reward if you don't put the hard work and time.
Cheers @GM_Pandagames and others.
Again, I won't consider ads, I don't feel they give a game any justice, but then again if I hear otherwise then who knows. The book isn't closed.
Keep the opinions coming
And keep on developing
That was a really interesting read.
Im trying to work out myself how to go about taking the ads out of the free game by offering a paid option for the users to turn ads off.
I know personally I don't generally pay for an app unless I really like either playing it or find it useful in my every day life/work.
I've seen some apps over the years start off free with no ads, then they add the ads in. I ended up buying the paid version to turn those ads off as I use the app a lot but the ads annoyed me.
This did annoy me that they started to do this, especially since they never had ads to start with when the apps first came available.
I expect if the app has ads from the start, then the user is sort of used to seeing them, and just skips over them unless something catches their eye, but to put ads in at a later date to me seems like a way to force the original users to pay for the app, a little under handed.
In saying all that, since I'm new to this, what I was wondering was to be able to turn the ads off by upgrading, do you need to have two completely different versions of your app, or do I write code that turns off those ads within the app after an in app purchase?
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
You can turn off ads with a rule. If adpurchase is false, display ads. Otherwise nothing or if adpurchase is false change scene (with ads) otherwise change scene (without ads).
Great read, thanks!
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This may be the best post I've ever read @Tiny_Ideas ! +1 Awesome
100% with you @quantumsheep ! Nice post.
Great topic!
The weird issue I run into is I play mostly free games because the games I enjoy are free. But I would prefer to pay for them if that would mean no IAP. Once I hit the wall where you need to start paying to keep playing I feel like the challenge of the game is gone and now I'm just paying to succeed.
Like others have stated if you start with a paid game you can always drop the price, it's hard to start charging if it starts out free. My last few games have been free with ads so I'm going to try switching to paid apps as a test to see how it affects downloads. I'm also considering doing a "lite" version if I can think of a good way to implement it.
My other thought is go with your gut. If you think it's a fun game that people will enjoy they will likely pay for it. Also, just researching the App Store and getting a feel for what people pay and don't pay for can help.
Good luck!