Text table Text together in windows
I have an actor.
that actor has a display option, and i want to display both the text and the table content together.
I tried some " then then some "
I want to generate an output that looks like this:
You draw A/AN ORANGE on the lottery
In one line code
Can Someone show me how to display my text, condition and table content together on one actor?
that actor has a display option, and i want to display both the text and the table content together.
I tried some " then then some "
I want to generate an output that looks like this:
You draw A/AN ORANGE on the lottery
In one line code
Can Someone show me how to display my text, condition and table content together on one actor?
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(table cell).."enter txt here"..(table cell) = to display 2 attributes or cells
it has to be within the expression editor window tho
also to create a space between words in expression editor it is (alt)+spacebar
same as new line is (alt)+enter