Free Member - Amazon Device options - Are suggested Android Device options supported for me?
Member Posts: 2,239
Im a free user. I can currently release for Kindle since this collaboration with the Amazon store and Gamesalad is active.
I deselected the first option of this screenshot since they are no Kindle devices.
Question: Would the app run on this devices too even I'm not a full paying Gamesalad member?
Best Answer
mounted88 Posts: 1,113No it will have a pop up (something like that) that says only for kindle devices, so you should deselect the non amazon devices when submitting.
I checked all devices and input my api key into both boxes. I then shared the .apk with a friend who was unable to install it on his Galaxy S3 and was greeted with the message
"This is app is only for Kindle..."
Are people downloading from the Amazon store also going to encounter this issue?
I used the kindle link to publish in GS portal...