Display Text BUG? doesn't work on retina w/ 2+ lines

floydianspiralfloydianspiral Member, PRO Posts: 308
edited November 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I've had this issue for a while and finally determined the bug GS has but wanted to confirm with others before I submit a ticket. On my retina devices the display text behavior only works if there is one line, it seems. Anything after that it won't display at all. I'm confident I'm not entering multiple lines incorrectly as they work on non-retina devices with multiple lines. Has this been a known bug @BlackCloakGS? After looking for retina display text issues on the forums I could never find a post that said it was resolved. Hopefully this doesn't take too long to fix as my game uses quotes during load times. Any advice or other tests welcome, thanks.


  • floydianspiralfloydianspiral Member, PRO Posts: 308
    yeah that doesn't help. Remember it is working on non-retina. I did try this though just as a last resort but it still doesn't work.
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