How to Use items that you collected in game

I was wondering, my game is coming along great, and i just had one thing which i was concerned about. Because i have my character that needs to have stuff that he throws, but i want it to be like equipped. Let me clarify what i mean, I want the user to collect the Items in the game or the ones he bought to display on the screen and then have a button that he can press to use the item during the game play.

Just like collecting coins, and then using it to buy new things at the shop in the game, i need to have the things he bought at the shop and the things he collected in the game to be used in the game. Example, lets say he collects bananas, or buys the bananas at the shop before game play and he is able to collect bananas in the game as well, i want them to add up and I want it to display on screen he has X amount of bananas, and have a button like labeled as Throw, and once he clicks on it, the banana is thrown at the enemy. or is used and subtracted from the total bananas he had. I know with the coins, you can collect them and add it to the total number of coins in the game. but i was wondering is there a way to do what i am asking?

Does that make sense?


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