how to constrain a weapon or such that you can pick up?

CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
heres an example: i want to once the main actor walks over a weapon it will constrain the weapon to the main actors hand area how can i do this? any help would be appreciated.


  • Fejuko GamesFejuko Games Member Posts: 6
    Well you have to find a picture of the main character holding the weapon. Then you could do this on the main character:
    When actor collides with (weapon) do:
    Change image to
    (main character holding weapon)

    I hope this helped, i would guess you would know how to make the weapon shoot (or whatever your weapon is going to be) but if you don't then just reply to me.

    If you didn't understand me then i am not surprised, i am a kid so...

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    @FejukoGameStudios way is the way I'd do it, just have two images, a standard one of your actor and a second version with the weapon in his hand - and the just swap between them using the change image behaviour when you want.
  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    mmmm i thought of doing that but i thought it would be easier to constrain, but ah well considering @socks uses the change image method it must be the best way haha ;)
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