AI Help Needed

Hello everyone!

I am new to game salad and am currently working on my first project.

What I want to happen is....

My enemy's come down from the top of the screen at random locations.
Then they move to a waypoint I have set up around the middle of the screen.
They then move to the player’s location.

I have all of that working except once the first enemy hits the waypoint they all just start moving to the player’s location.

The rule I have set up for the movement goes like this...

If "waypointcheck" = 1

Move to player.x , player.y

Move to waypint.x , waypoint.y

I also have a rule that states...

If the enemy collides with the waypoint then waypointcheck = 1

I understand that once the first enemy that hits the waypoint it changes the waypointcheck for all the enemy’s.

I just don’t know a way to change the waypointcheck for the individual enemy’s

NOTE: the enemy spawns are all one actor coming from a spawner.


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