Make a decreasing score count from 5.000.000 to 0

Hello, fellow Salad's! So, I've been working on this advertise-purpose app for my company which is pretty much based on the "button game" where you had to press a button 1 million times. I would like to set the game.score.count/game.Touches.count to +5.000.000 and decrease by 1 every time I hit the button. I've tried adding a game.Touches.Count as an attribute to the red button (and with a -1 at the end), but it seems I'm not getting anywhere.

Someone out there who has an idea for me?

And please don't steal my idea.. it's nothing great. really. it sucks - but people are able to earn $100, so I think it'll be great for the users.


  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    edited November 2013
    Rule: If touch is released
    Change Attribute: game.totalScore = game.totalScore - 1

    P.S. Don't do If touch is pressed because I think you'll find that they could just hold their finger down.

    EDIT: By the way, someone here created a similar game where you had to hit a stone image like a trillion times. Didn't actually play it but they had other bits in it to make one hit count as two hits etc. Basically it's the same thing but without the $100's at the end of it.

    EDIT 2: I'm guessing you're going to show a code at the end of the 5,000,000 hits to prove that they've completed it. Do you have a way to make these codes unique? Having one code that could be shared once someone has completed it might put your client out of pocket pretty quickly :)
  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    I didn't want to edit my above post again. No idea how you're going to pay out a $100 at the end of it but having codes in the game isn't actually a good idea because it's very very very easy to get access to the relevant data/codes, or even the algorithm you've used to generate valid codes. The GameSalad compiled apps are far too easy to reverse engineer once I've downloaded them from the App Store.

    I don't know how else you could prove that they've hit the button 5 million times using GameSalad so you might want to keep that in mind
  • mounted88mounted88 Member Posts: 1,113
    To add to what @kevincross said, when you add your game.score.count attribute change the number next to it to whatever you want it to start on like what you said of 5,000,000. You can also start at 0 and each count can add 1.
  • MRSwensenMRSwensen Member Posts: 2
    Thank you so much for the answers! @kevincross, they will not be granted with a unique code but they will have to "like" the facebook-page for the app. I have not been able to calculate wether it will be profitable or not - but if the app is sold for $0.99 and the app's facebook has many likes, hopefully more people will consider buying the app. I have some "for fun"-money to play with but I am still hoping that I will be able to make a profit.

    Or maybe I could add something like "Share on Facebook and have the chance of winning $100." at the end of the game - and with a hashtag function?

    This is basically just for fun - and the advertisement for my company will hopefully generate more than $99(fee)+100.
  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    I don't know how liking a Facebook page for the app would work as I'm assuming it would be on the App Store which would be available to all. You could put a future sale date and give them promo codes but the promo codes will void the cost of the app and you can only have so many promo codes (I think it's a 100).

    I know there's different developer licenses from Apple that let you share your app outside of the App Store but I think that's more for in house apps in companies and not sure if you need to register each device it needs to be installed on (not looked into those options myself, so I could well be wrong)

    At the end of the day, the basics of the app would take you about 5 minutes to build in GameSalad so you wouldn't have wasted much time if you find the options for sharing it once completed won't work for you.

    Good luck with it
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