Why is my game 10MB!!

expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
edited November -1 in Tech Support
My game is 10MB right now. Most games are around 5MB or less and my game doesent even use many images and scenes like other games do. Im only about halfway done so its probably going to go up to like 17MB. Does anyone know how to reduce the size of the game??


  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Sound and music always takes up the most memory, so make sure you utilize your sounds and music very sparingly if possible. Or try to configure it in mono, and follow the tips in the wiki.

    Graphics can also take up a lot of memory, so make sure you're saving them at 72 dpi, and you can check each graphic to see which ones take up a lot of memory

    That's about it really! Of course cleaning up rules will help, but mostly it's the above that will take up a ton of memory.
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    do i have a disadvantage if my game is more memory than others?
  • KamazarKamazar Member Posts: 287
    A while back, yeah, because the download cap was 10 MB for 3G downloads, but it's been raised, so you're good.
  • nulonulo Member Posts: 315
    open all your audio files in audacity, make them mono, and export them in .ogg with the least quality possible.
    and of course, check if there are any images that are bigger than needed.
  • DaneC020DaneC020 Member Posts: 90
    does anyone know what the cap is for the 3g network now? I though iPad and iPhone was still 10mb. Anything over would have to be downloaded into itunes and then synced to the device? I had spent a decent amount of time reducing my game down to under 10 mb so they wouldn't have to sync.

  • fatmikefatmike Member Posts: 36
    The new over-the-air download limit is 20Mb
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Guys (and gals ;]) There is something to consider here, that you may have your numbers confused - It seems that I certainly did!
    While I was making my game, and testing it in the GSViewer, it would tell me that the memory usage was 45 Meg! I was, of course, very worried about this, thinking that people wouldn't want to, or be able to, download such a large game. But I knew that I had optimized as much as I could and thought that I'd just have to put up with it - also I had already downloaded games from other people that were 65 Meg, so I just thought, what the hey, and carried on regardless.
    So, I finally finished, and uploaded to Apple, and the game went on sale, so, I downloaded it...guess how big it is??.....4.8 Meg!!?!
    I think the GSViewer tells you how much memory your device is using, while it's playing the game - this seems to be an entirely different number from the actual download size of your completed game.
    If you really want to get an idea of how 'big' your game is, I would suggest looking at the folder sizes of your project. Put all your pics, sounds and the .proj file into one place, and see how big that is - although I've never tried this myself, I reckon that this size is closer, to the final download size, and probably a great deal smaller than the 'in use' size that GSViewer displays while you are testing.
  • nulonulo Member Posts: 315
    to have a idea of how big your app is, go to the home screen inside gamesalad, and look at the bottom right.
    "project size : X.X MB"
    gamesalad viewer shows whats in memory and stuff. doesnt represent the size of the app.
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