Inapp purchases and game center walk through
Member Posts: 14
Hi Guys,
I'm working on a game but I'm stuck in inapp purchases and game center.
I have looked at the tutorials, I can grasp some of it but my main problems are:
1- How can I test inapp purchases and game center in my adhoc ?
2- What are the steps I should take in iTunes connect to create a test user for adhoc ?
Can someone please give me a link or a tutorial on the steps
Thank you guys for your support and good luck with your games
I'm working on a game but I'm stuck in inapp purchases and game center.
I have looked at the tutorials, I can grasp some of it but my main problems are:
1- How can I test inapp purchases and game center in my adhoc ?
2- What are the steps I should take in iTunes connect to create a test user for adhoc ?
Can someone please give me a link or a tutorial on the steps
Thank you guys for your support and good luck with your games
How can I add inapp purchase IDs and game center achievements in iTunes connect if I don't have an app yet. I tried creating new app but its asking when I want to release it ???
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
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Not yet... I'll definitly check them out.
I'll come back once I can fix it or if I need more help
I'm only releasing for iOS...want to get that out of the way first :-)
Thanks guys...
Great videos, really helpful man...two Thumbs Up =D>