Zero marketing strategy on iOS?
I hear a lot of opinions on the matter of successful game. Some people say that a good game will succeed no matter what. Some people say that you can't succeed without marketing. What do you think? I'm mostly interested in opinions of experienced iOS developers.
Ignore my vote, I don't have an answer I just voted to see results.
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But you're right, a public poll should be erm public, without having to vote. || appdore twitter || appdore facebook || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Yes one hit wonders happen, but still extremely rare. Being a great game many times plays no role. I've seen some of the best games flop, yet some of the worst very successful. I suppose luck plays a huge role in all of that. As well as if you are lucky enough that someone decides to feature it or write articles on it.
Advertising is definitely your best hands on options. Although you can very well spend hundreds to thousands of dollars and never see an ROI. The market is just fickle like that.
Point is, in my opinion anyhow, there is no sure way to make a game successful no matter how good or bad it may be. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't atleast try.
When trying to create revenue from a's either the game itself or with ads...personally I hate ads popping up every time I level up or 30 seconds into the game....however...strategically placed ads and non invasive soes not to turn people away from a developer is a good goal....if they like the game...regardless of a few ads...well placed....may be the difference of them looking for other games or apps you may have or avoiding you in the App Store. In my trade...the "cold calls" are the hardest to make....word of mouth is and always has been the key to growth.
Get personal...believe in your app and talk about it everyone. You have to pay to create an ad on Facebook, ask your friends to share a page for your "Studio" or "app"...that's free...every now and then....share the page...not a bombardment....just start with a "cold call"....follow ups are "warm calls"...
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Facebook, Twitter, Youtube...all need to be taken advantage of. And Apple showcasing your game is almost the only way to succeed on the iOS App Store now. And to get Apple interested in showcasing your app, you need to take advantage of what iOS has to offer. Apple showcases games that take advantage of all the features that iOS provides. GameCanter, iCloud, Push Notifications, etc... The more iOS features you have in your game, the more Apple will be interested in showcasing it.
Tizen will be available to us soon, and I think that will be a good place to focus on. Although, the Windows app store hasn't blown up like it was predicted to do when it came out, and it's been a year now with no real success stories to speak of, but that's because lots of people aren't on Windows 8, and lots of them don't want Windows 8.
Take advantage of all platforms, and options that are available to you to get the word out about your app. Then pray to the digital Gods, and offer an iPhone 3 as a sacrifice.