How do I setup a bonus multiplier? (double kill, triple kill, etc...)

renderman09renderman09 Member Posts: 1
edited November 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm currently working on a game and trying to figure out how to setup a bonus multiplier. I would like to give the player bonus points for smacking enemies in a short amount of time. Let's say if they kill 2 baddies in less than 2 seconds, they would receive 2x points for the "double kill". How should I set this up?


  • VW_GamesVW_Games Member Posts: 31
    hat you would do is create an integer attribute called baddies_killed then you would add a rule to your baddies stating when baddie overlaps or collides with actor of type weapon to change attribute game.baddies_killed to game.baddies_killed+1

    then to create a multiplier you would create another attribute for multiplier and score

    for the score attribute you would create an actor named score

    go under the score actor and change the opacity to 0 then add the behavior (display text) and set that as game.score

    now go and make another actor and set opacity to 0 and add a rule and add a timer in that rule and set it up so every 2 seconds if attribute game.baddies_killed is greater than or equal to 2 change attribute game.miltiplier to 2 then add another timer and add a change attribute inside that timer and move both of them out of the first rule and stater that every 2 seconds change attribute game.baddies_killed to 0

    now under the baddie add a rule and put a change attribute in that rule and make it say if attribute game.mulltiplier equal to or greater than 2 then change attribute game.score to game.score*2

    i hope this helped if you have any questions feel free to message back

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