particles causing strange problems

Hey everyone, I started adding some particle effects to my game: explosions, smoke behind projectiles, glass shattering. And everything runs fine within the creator. I have not yet got an apple developer account, as a plan to within the next month or so along with GS pro was my game is a little farther along, so I am currently unable to test on the phone. In order to send a playable version of the game to my artist to check out I made an unsigned app for the mac that he could play. However in testing it whenever there is a particle on the screen it causes the screen to flash white like a strobe like, but not much loss in performance. This happens in any type of particle, wether it is at a particle rate of 20 or in the hundreds. My particles are not using images, they are on the normal color type, some I had changing colors some not, not matter what same thing. Any idea what is causing this? Any insight would be very appreciated.


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