How To Deal With A Taken Game Name?
Hi, I have been working on my game, and I thought of a really good game name, the only problem is its taken by someone else on the AppStore :-O What should I do? and what would you do? Thanks
- Hunter
- Hunter
So my suggestion is to just modify it abit so it's not exactly the same.
I normally have them whacked, it's often cheaper to hire someone to assassinate the competition than it is to redesign your logo and find a new name and so on.
@FINNBOGG Yeah, I know what you mean.
@CodeMonster Thats probably the best thing to do
My Apps
Then do the same search on the app store.
I wanted to name one of my games 'Sunshine'. At the time, I found that another company had the same name for their weather app.
I couldn't therefore name the game 'Sunshine', but I decided it might be ok to extend it, ergo 'Sunshine - here comes the sun'
I emailed the other company asking if they minded me naming my game like that. While both apps would have 'Sunshine' in their title, I pointed out that they were very different and would not 'compete'.
They were very lovely and said they didn't mind!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...