Underneath the "Play Music" behavior, put this there: change attribute > devices > audio > if it's a sound then double click "sound", if it's music, double click "music" > to 0.35...0r 1...or -- however high or low you want it.
I got that to work but have another question. When I go to the next scene, the music increases to the original level. Does each scene have it's own music settings? This doesn't seem possible since it loops throughout the entire game. Thanks.
So here's something interesting It must be broken in windows creator... cause when I try it on my mac audio changes volume just fine. I switched over to windows version though because I had a jitter when my player was walking on certain platforms that doesnt happen when on windows ...
So either work on mac and have terrible jitters... or work on PC and have broken audio...
change attribute > devices > audio > if it's a sound then double click "sound", if it's music, double click "music" > to 0.35...0r 1...or -- however high or low you want it.
Hope this helps!
When I go to the next scene, the music increases to the original level.
Does each scene have it's own music settings? This doesn't seem possible since it loops throughout the entire game.
No problem. Glad you got it all figured out!
I have an actor called BGM in my scene and on that actor I have exactly this...
Play music Behavior
-set to play my audio file on loop
directly underneath I have
Change attribute
devices>Audio>Music_Volume set to .1
the music plays but still BLASTS at full volume
what am I doing wrong? or is this a PC version bug?
So here's something interesting It must be broken in windows creator... cause when I try it on my mac audio changes volume just fine. I switched over to windows version though because I had a jitter when my player was walking on certain platforms that doesnt happen when on windows ...
So either work on mac and have terrible jitters... or work on PC and have broken audio...
Is there a fix for any of this?