Anyone Getting This Issue When Publishing Android?
So I go through all the normal steps to publish my apk so I can test it on my phone. (I would use the creator directly to my phone, but for some reason that stopped working months ago). As soon as I generate the apk, sign it, and all that normal stuff it spits it out. When I put it on my phone it is an older version of my game that I published prior to this one. I have cleared the data, removed the old application, and deleted the old apk from my computer (as well as my phone). The publisher just keeps producing an apk of an older version of my game.
Anyone else seeing this?
Anyone else seeing this?
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It is really weird because the game I see when I click play in the creator and the game that is being produced through publishing are way different. The odd thing is, the apk produced seems to have the correct file size matching what it should be when compared to the older version's file size.
So I am at a loss. @CodeWizard and @BlackCloakGS tagging you guys to see if maybe you have any insight?