Can a object have copyright?

hello, Can a object have copyright?, can I vectorize such a lamp with illustrator and use it in my game?, I think it's a question a little silly, thanks


  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    If you are using the image of the lamp as a guide to draw outlines, that's fine. If you are using the image itself, it's subject to ownership of the original photographer, and you would need permission to use it.
  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685
    Have you took the photo of the lamp yourself? If so, you have the copyright. If the photo was taken by someone else, they have they copyright unless transferred to you. Where has the image/photo come from?
  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420
    Well a lamp is a lamp, don´t matter how have taken the photo, it´s like a soccer ball,
    I can´t use the Real Madrid´s soccer ball, but if i have one photo and i f I transform it, this is ok, this is what SickZero said, Isn´t it?
  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685
    What i am saying is the CR is with the photo not the object so if you are transforming someone else's photo then your breaking copyright if doing so without permission (I maybe wrong here guys, correct me if I am!) If your using your own photo then you hold the CR and can transform as you wish. Its the CR of the photo/image which is the issue, not the object.
  • RexCarsalotRexCarsalot Member Posts: 96
    edited December 2013
    No, real world objects do not have copyrights. Copywriting refers to works of art, literature etc.

    Images, such as logos and certain words/phrases can also be registered "trademarks." This means you can't take a photo of McDonald's 'golden arches' and use it in a game for example, despite the fact that you own the copyrights (or rights) to the photo. This is my understanding, though I am sure there are many exceptions to the rule, cases which have already been challenged, and many other cases which have yet to be challenged in the courts. I'll never know, since I'm not an attorney but the research should be very easy with this one. Use in Satire is one example of a possible exception to the rule.

    The laws, of course, may vary depending on where you live.

    As far as objects go -- they can have, depending on the object, something called "patents," which is a completely seperate issue altogether, but one that you should never have to worry about unless you're an inventor.

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