Keeping Enemies on the ground?

Hey everybody, I have a quick question regarding actors. I have a main player who is controlled by the user. There are enemies in the game that constantly move to an x and y coordinate constrained by the position of the player. Essentially the enemies follow the actor around the map. The game is set up on a basic platformer template that I created with gravity and things like that. When the actor is on a hill and the enemy is down below the enemy takes the most direct path to the actor, which is by traveling in a diagonal line through the air and NOT on the ground like I want it to. How do I get the actor to stay on the ground rather than fly through the air? Accelerating the actor towards the ground as it tracks the player doesn't seem to work... I also want to know if there is a way that enemies can follow the actor into a building. Any ideas? Thanks so much!

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