Hello I'm New to Game Salad

Current project i have started
1 Pong Brick breaker 50% done - about an hour time Got most of the game done just need to finish it
1 shooter 30% DONE - Got graphic, score, high score working 100% so far but lots of stuff to add. :P - few hours time
1 Wack a mole like game 10% - few mins time
1 Epic Detailed RPG id say 0.5% done. Got half put together story line in my head. A nice detailed main town/Starting scene 90% so far. Going to add a few towns that have shops, Dungeons/Castles, Leveling up system. Main weapon will be sword and then bigger swords u can acquire over time. Going to add levels in between towns put together with small pieces to make a masterpiece. Levels in between towns will have monsters with hp bars, and so will the main character. No ammo. Going to add lives, Currency to spend in shops, Epic Boss Battles, And a even more epic story line. - few hours time
I have already noticed how it will take me much more time to complete some games than others xD I have pushed the rpg to the side for now while i learn as much as i can to make that development for that go faster.
Im going to try and finish the shooter first and maybe make another top down style game. Ill slowly work my way up to half way 3d games from 2d

Like most developers i hope I can make a game that sells good someday

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The one i have at home has much more work put in. Im using tutorial pics for actors for now until i get around to making a few maybe or finding different free ones.
So far I got a few sets of power ups, hp bars, score, lifes, Boss Mode. Not much more i think i could add just need to finish up the power ups, change a few images, Slap it all together with 30-90 levels
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Hi @grimmagelol and welcome too; best of luck with all of your projects. :-)
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