Animate Problem
The NetherlandsMember Posts: 65
Hi there.
Im bussy with a game and i am stuck. its kind of TempleRun but then from the side.
My problem: when the Player is running and i press the roll button, it will roll, stand up, and it wont run anymore
what i did was this.
rule: attribute: game.roll= true do: animate(roll antimation)
otherwise: change attribute to flase
animate (run animation)
When i place the run animation outside the ''change attribute to flase'' it will run and roll at once.
i hope you guys can help me.
sorry for my bad english
Im bussy with a game and i am stuck. its kind of TempleRun but then from the side.
My problem: when the Player is running and i press the roll button, it will roll, stand up, and it wont run anymore
what i did was this.
rule: attribute: game.roll= true do: animate(roll antimation)
otherwise: change attribute to flase
animate (run animation)
When i place the run animation outside the ''change attribute to flase'' it will run and roll at once.
i hope you guys can help me.
sorry for my bad english
If game.roll = true
Play roll animation
Change game.roll to false (you may need this in an after timer)
If game.roll = false
Play run animation
This to me looks correct but I've not got the file or animations to test it with
If game.roll = true
..Play roll animation
..Timer: After x seconds (replace x with length of roll animation)
....Change game.roll to false
If game.roll = false
..Play run animation