I have not actually done this but have heard of a certain file that is connected to GameSalad from Android, result it is then low performance in the viewer - something like that - sorry I can't offer a better answer but it's something to do with the way they don't work together so well. The solution was to rename a certain file with an x in front so that it was not accessed. I am going on memory fumes here but maybe it's debugging? Sorry for the vague answer but this may help you find the true answer on the forums.
i am getting an issue. now i cant send my game to android viewer. it stuck at the loading part...
grr I tested on my phone. I still get 30fps in my game. i cant believe this drain 2 days of my life. Can someone tell me what cause the lagging issue? Or i will pay for someone can solve this problem for me. pm me
CodeWizard Posts: 577KEY MASTER, HEAD CHEF, EXECUTIVE CHEF, MEMBER, PRO May 7 We've just implemented a fix for this ADB searching problem on the Mac creator. Once it goes live, no more stuttering with the Android SDK installed. Go @BlackCloakGS!
It has the renaming thing @matarua mentions
grr I tested on my phone. I still get 30fps in my game. i cant believe this drain 2 days of my life. Can someone tell me what cause the lagging issue? Or i will pay for someone can solve this problem for me. pm me
Sounds a bit like it.
Cheers, M@