Actor falling through the platform after bumping into a platform that is higher.

Hello, I'm attempting my first game, mainly for my nieces and nephews based on the family pet. Thought it would be a funny Christmas gift for them. So I'm not striving for quality, but this bug I've come across is definitely game breaking.

To demonstrate I've uploaded my first level, I've had a look through various YouTube videos but I cant seem to understand where I have gone wrong. Its definitely something to do with bumping into a platform at a higher level.

As mentioned this is really early, and this level is mainly just finding my footing. Hopefully I have placed this in the right category.

On an additional note, I did managed to find another thread that seemed to describe the same problem I am having, but it mentioned coding and I cant seem to find the coding option (and i'll be honest, i'm not sure how i'd manage it. I can barely figure out dragging and dropping).

Anyway, much obliged to whoever is able to help.


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