amazon and app store doubt

Hello, I have the following question and I want to upload a game shortly amazon and ios. Since we can not put ads on amazon had thought of making a payment and another version with fewer levels for free amazon. For ios I have decided to put ads. Would have a problem with amazon to add a payment application in their store and then a free in ios?


  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    There's nothing in the developer rule book that says you can't charge for an app on one store and have it free on another. Some players might grumble if they know it's free on the other store but you're free to do so. At the end of the day you can only work with the monetisation options GameSalad offer.
  • tarsiustudiotarsiustudio Member Posts: 130
    thank you very much @KevinCross had also thought of the annoying players have a free application on a site and pay another why had I thought of trying on amazon a free with fewer layers and less improvement and other payment and shop ios do one payment and one free with ads and then shopping IAP to remove ads from free game to have no customer complaints
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