State of GameSalad on 12-18-2013

CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
edited December 2013 in GameSalad Kitchen
Remember to keep an eye on the roadmap page for the latest details on what we're up to in the kitchen!

Lots of exciting news this week, folks!

We've finally gotten our nightly builds deploying again. We're finding lots of bugs (with your help) and are churning through them as fast as we can. Once the nightly build is stable we'll pinch off a version for 0.11.0 and start the stable release process. Progress!

We've also formally launched our Tizen support and incentive programs. Get your games on the Tizen platform to take advantage of these incentive offers (minimum $50 cash bonus + 3 months of pro!). Read more about this exciting program here:

Chartboost and Revmob are in the latest nightly build. We're putting the finishing touches on web support so you can get these ad networks working in your apps.

Async multiplayer (and other network behaviors) are also in the latest nightly build. We're in the process of whipping up some basic documentation for these features. Keep an eye on the forums for more info soon.

We've got a new server status page for you. Check it out:

Progress is being made on designing and architecting the new cross-platform Creator. More news on this soon and it's exciting!

We're on vacation after this week until just after the new year. So don't expect too much in the way of updates until then! Happy holidays everyone!


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