How do you use the "Tweet Sheet"

I just saw a game someone made here and they are using the Tweet Sheet as their very own way of a Leader Board. I found that to be very interesting especial since I never knew what a tweet sheet was. So now that has made me curious.

How do you use the tweet sheet?

If you are willing to share. Let us know.


  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    see now im imagining all of you walking to a bookshelf. turning the bust of your favorite author to the right. the bookshelf slides back and to the left. showing a highly sophisticated 15 digit combination with bio sensing and ocular scanner. You do the 5 minute routine to open the safe and bammm. There lies the methods of how you use the "tweet sheet" in your games and now you ask yourself. "hmmmm should i declassify this and share my tricks of the trade to my fellow GS users?"

    enter "intermission"
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