Iphone 5 and legacy screen compatibility

hello everyone ,how are you doing?

i would appreciate a little bit of help about something as i couldn't find any precise answer online for my problem.

I've been developing a iphone 5 platform game which as touch controls and i wonder how i could get it working on legacy models....

i'm really confused about overscan and all that stuff and have tried a lot of tutorials about changing the camera if the screen is detected as iphone4. But none of them worked as my camera is moving with my actor ... at least i suppose it is the reason why..

do you have any solutions as i know it is required to get your game running on very device to publish it to the App Store ?

even if it means restarting it from scratch for the legacy models i'm ready to hear you great solutions.

thank you very much for your patience and expertise

have a nice first day of winter...


  • please i really need some instructions because i'm terribly confused

    hopping i don't piss anybody off

    thanks again
  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited December 2013
    It depends on your game and you don't have to have to make a game for every device you can make a game for iPad or iPhone 5, etc. Most people will advise you to create your game in iPad and use a method from there to suit your game.

    Letterbox, Overscan and Stretch are publishing methods. You can see how these work and the effects it will have on your game. Click on Preview in the top left you will see a drop box, choose a device and another drop box will appear with the publishing choices.

    My new game doesn't scroll so I used iPhone 5 to design it and Overscan to publish it on all devices. On an iPad and legacy iPhone the sides will be cut off so I designed my game with this in mind and no game play takes place in those areas.

    My first game is a vertical scroller and I designed it in iPhone 4 using camera tricks because that is the phone I have and I ended up with two binaries one for iPhones and one for iPads. If I was starting it now I would do it in iPad and create a one size fits all.

    There are no hard and fast rules and people are doing it different ways. I know this isn't much help and GS is a steep learning curve in many aspects. Have a look at the universal binary templates on GSHelper http://gshelper.com/product-category/free-templates-and-tutorials/universal-binaries/
  • thank you!
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