I can help with anything from Apple Dev accounts to apple store release.

Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
I have completely figured out all you need to do from creating Apple Dev accounts upto and including Apple Store publishing, review and release. This includes certificates, app id's, Devices for adhoc, adhoc its self and provisioning profiles. Everything to get your game ready to make, testing and to the Store. I have helped others. Dont struggle anymore. Worry about your game...not publishing. That will be easy once I teach you. And...yes we can do all this without me needing ANY of your account password or information. \:D/

Edit...On some occasions for this service I may ask for payment. Or call it a donation maybe...however you may want to call it...not all payments need be in the form of cash or in ways that contradict the GS or Apple TOS...this disclaimer will self destruct in 3, 2 X_X

Best Answers


  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    Ok nevermind everybody. We should all just let the new guys struggle instead of someone offering to teach them.
  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    Thanks. I was being sarcastic to him anyways. I just like to be a go to guy. Still learning a lot on actual game creation but I look for some of the hard stuff and try to figure it out. I really like answering questions on the forums....when I think I can offer help. But right now I see lots of peeps having issues. Plus doing so also tends to make friends and well....thats just cool too. :-@
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited December 2013
    You provide no samples of your work or expertise. I do no discourage people from offering help. I support people around here who have proven they are an expert. There are plenty of people here who have proven they are GS experts. Too many people use GS for a few months and now they deem themselves experts offering paid services. I and other valid services like GShelper, DBA et.. Hear the horror stories of the people who used many of these so called experts. Want to start a GS busines then prove your ability and knowledge on the forum and build a reputation. Everyone is more interested in trying to make a buck around here instead of contributing. I took over two years helping making videos and proving my knowledge of GS before I ever did any paid work. If you talked to as many people as I have who have been burned on this forum by so called experts you'd be skeptical and cautious too.

    Many people respond to me you have to start somewhere. Yes you do. You start right here for free on the forum and spend the time building a reputation and proving your knowledge that's how you start.

    @ictc you only joined in October and this is your second attempt at starting a service the first was wanting to provide apps via testflight. Prove yourself around here and then provide full service not willy nilly ideas.
  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,375
    edited December 2013
    Where exactly did he say he wanted paying?

    You proclaim yourself "the gamesalad guru" yet it is users like tatiang, Socks and jonmulcahy who actually are here every day offering genuine advice and solutions to people. All you do is jump in threads and either make disparaging comments or say "I have a video on that". Never any actual link to the video, of course.

    You constantly present yourself as an expert at damn near everything yet I have yet to see YOUR credentials.

    You are one of the least helpful and disrespectful people to be found on these forums. Your videos don't show your expertise in anything other than reading instructions.

    You constantly claim you're trying to protect people from being burned. You're only trying to protect your warped sense of importance.

    You are literally the only user of these forums I regularly see being negative and unpleasant to people. (Except me in my interactions with you, of course.)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited December 2013
    My credentials? How about the over 50 videos covering some of the most difficult issues on GS. See my website which has my Audio stuff, Video, Scripts from when I was a signed WGA television screen writer. I have a new website in development that will include testimonials from my clients including A fortune 500 company. All my credentials are on display right in my signature. I also own a golden Book franchise and am a partner in Gleeson Group Media http://gleesongroupmedia.com Any other info you want validated as I am more than willing to provide it. I did not name myself the gamesalad guru, that was done by Rtherman as a joke that's why it says self proclaimed. It's a joke get it? I claim people are being burned, I have proof by clients. I've been here for three years and helped hundreds of people for free. I make videos for free. I do not profit in any way from them and as for fame..lol This forum is but a speck in life there is no fame to be had here.

    Oh and I got three agrees so I'm not the only one who feels this way. In fact how am I in the top 4 in points on the forum if I'm so unhelpful and such an evil person as you profess me to be? As the only way to get points is by people agreeing with the post?
  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    @fryingbaconstudios. I'm happy for your success. You said we all have to start somewhere....well here I am...right here...starting....and I do NOT need to wait two years to do it. I struggled and even watched many videos...and finally DID learn how to do it. Since then I continue to watch the forums and in quite a few cases I see references to the videos and tutorials. I even watched them. Still confusing enough for some reason they come back and even say..."I watched the videos".

    Personally I don't believe I need to show my expertise. I simple offer my help. Yes I may even get paid for it...and I have...the guy had struggled for a month off and on....nearly giving up. In 2 hours we had a discussion about GS and our personal goals, I had showed him how too get his certificates correct....he already knew about app iD's and profiles....didn't know testflighting and he loved the fact someone...yes me...was willing to do ALL of it for a fair price...not $50 to do it. We used skype and I made sure I never saw any passwords or information of his to put he or I at risk of being accused of any funny business. I'm not a game building guru...yet...some question that come through the forums I can and have been the first answer. Some I skip over cuz I ain't going there...but I HAVE decided I want to build games...might actually make some money. You will always have more experience than me.. ^:)^

    Anyways...last time I talked about services you also stomped on me with both feet...I felt embarrassed but now it's pushing a line of irritation. Feel free to keep trolling my threads with snide remarks "oh man" but keep in mind...even just words can expose your base nature and it can either bring people closer to you or further away.

    To everyone else...thanks. My offer stands.

    See my credentials below...
  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    Just another thing here....I do appreciate fryingbaconstudios...it's true he does have a lot of experience and I'm very confident he would be willing and able to help any of you new guys and even though since October I have been deemed a Veteran Developer via GS...I am new to all of this. However, I WILL get better at it...group hug everyone :-t
  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    Please do move to the appropriate forum...thank you
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    LOL. Wowers.

    I'm seeing a lot of disrespect and assumption and it is not coming from Mr. Bacon.
    Mr. Bacon is on here every -freak'n day. Do you know how much time he puts into his videos? He's not reading off a script or reading instructions. He takes his own time to do these. He does these as new features come out, He shares ideas, and logic that's pretty freak'n helpful.

    The guy also is a full time hard -work'n dude. He's industry, He's got life advice and biz advice to offer (to those who listen). He's up front and to the point. We have our own things going on outside GameSalad. GS is not his life, yet he finds the time to do what he does and has enough points in under his user account to prove he's earned a heft amount of props. Maybe you don't like that, but that's how it is. Get over it. If you don't like him, stop interjecting. Your argument of Bacon being unhelpful is totally false, and I'd stand to throw that coin right back at you in this instance.

    As far as the services go. Go for it! but, Dude, if you are going to step up and offer, then put on a game-face and show folks what you got. Show off some structure and organization displaying how you plan to accomplish what you are offering. ESPECIALLY if you want to start billing. The community lemonade stand approach is passé.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    As far as the services go. Go for it! but, Dude, if you are going to step up and offer, then put on a game-face and show folks what you got. Show off some structure and organization displaying how you plan to accomplish what you are offering. ESPECIALLY if you want to start billing. The community lemonade stand approach is passé.

    I thought offering help ,paid ot not paid, was putting on a game face and stepping up.

    Im trying to be active in the forums...i will step up even more. I think I will create the tutorials. Yea I guess they will be free. Ill find the right place in the forums to put them. Ill get likes...and awesome badges....ill become a pillar of the community...whatever it takes to get past my threads turning into a drama free discussiin about what the thread was intended to be.

    See awesome gameface below.

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