BUG: Music Ending in Scene 1 stopping sounds in Scene 2

JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have found a Bug that I can't seem to find a work around to! The bug does not appear when you run it through the web preview, but when you test on the actual device or run it through the GS viewer the bug is there?

In scene 1 I have background Music playing (M4a) & a button that goes to scene 2
In scene 2 I have a button when clicked that plays a sound (ogg file)

Scene 1 plays the background music via the play music behaviour, and you click the button to move to scene 2. In this second scene there is a button that when clicked will play a sound effect via the play sound behaviour, now this all works UNTIL the music file comes to a natural end and then it ALSO KILLS the sound effect? i.e. If the Music file is 20 seconds long then after 20 seconds the sound effect will stop playing?

I will make a stripped down demo and post it up to see if anyone else can resolve this, but remember it works okay in the web preview, you need to run this in the GS VIEWER or on the actual device for the bug to show its head!


  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Is that music set to run to completion and are there any rules to change game sound
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    @ chaser NO set to completion on the music as you can't do that, you can only do that on the sound behaviour, not the music behaviour.

    @ chaser NO added rules to change game sound at all.

    I have a demo below that can be downloaded for you to try, but like I mentioned above this works okay in the web preview, but IF you run this on an iPAD or through the GS iPAD VIEWER the bug comes up after 25 seconds when the music finishes?

    I have left the music to run into scene 2, but even if you add a stop music behaviour when leaving scene 1, after the 25 seconds the Sound effect still stops!

    I think this is a GS bug!

    download example:

  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Ok JC i checked it on GS through preview music starts on scene 1 and if i touch the s1 button it still plays until the song ends in s2, while in s2 with the word 1 being said by touching the button in s2. (no problems) i do not use the viewer Period! so i put it on my iphone with a dev profile i made and it works totally the same as in preview on GS. i touched the button for about 3 minute until i was tired of hearing "1" no problems. Also let the song end in s1 and waited 50 seconds then touched to go to s2 and in s2 sound played no problem
    also let
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    @ chaser yes I know it works okay on the web preview and on an iPhone but The bug show up on an ipad and in the ipad gs viwer when run through the Xcode simulator
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    Just to add My ipad app got bounced because of this issue with the sounds stop working once the background music ends and although it works fine in the web preview I can replicate the bug by running it through the ipad GS viewer via the Xcode Simulator.

    So can anyone else try this to confirm this for me, or have a work around?
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    Here is a quick video showing the issue:
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Never thought it would be different for ipad. I don't have an ipad yet. Have you tried just doing the first song as play sound instead and does it do the same thing? When you imported the song is it possible it was imported as sound and by chance the bug occurs because it is being used as music? One thing I do for my actors is try to keep all their behaviors in rules which is a pain but I had issues in the past. Try a game attribute sound interger 0 Then for button actor set up 2 actors for that button instead of scene instances as you have. Rule on first actor actor recieves attribute when game.sound = 0 play music this way it still plays from the moment you start the game.
    On my tropical totems for ipad my music loops and when I went to best buy :) and installed it on their floor models everything worked fine.
    Definitely a GS bug if it was not an import issue. Keep us informed
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    No, not an import issue, as I set up the box basic test file above and it still is there. The music is a music file M4a using the Music Behaviour and the sound files are OGGs using the Sound Behaviour - I have even tried different files and import options etc and its still there, So this is a GS issue, but only when its converting it for the iPad which is very odd.

    I have got around the issue as my music file is only 20 seconds long to import it as an OGG and using the Sound Behaviour instead so it all works fine now, but there are going to be future instances when I will need this as Music - I have emailed the GS team so hopefully they can build a fix into the next release!
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Thanks! I'll be sure not to do that until they fix.
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    If you make anything for the iPad all I can say is until you get an iPad don't rely on the web preview make sure you run it through the GS iPad Viewer via Xcode simulator!
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